Month: December 2006

  • ICT Forum: moving from ‘talk-ology’ to technology?

    Kids from the Jubilee School working with robotic kits IT INDUSTRY | Ahmad Humeid asks: is there hope for our much-hyped knowledge economy? The final session of the Jordan ICT Forum, which was held on the shores of the Dead Sea on the 6th and 7th of December, had a stark and alarming message to…

  • Steorn free energy update: A presentation, and a Guardian article

    Yesterday and today there was a bit of an upsurge in news about Steorn, the company that claims it invented a magnetic-based technology that can produce energy from nothing. Yesterday, Steorn CEO Sean McCarthy gave a presentation about his company’s technology in the London Kinetica Museum. No video is available of the talk he gave…

  • The School of Adam’s First Son: Jawdat Said and non-violent Islam

    With the increasing violence in the Arab and Muslim worlds, and with the global agenda focused so much on the issues of terrorism, Jawdat Said is a muslim thinker worth looking up again. The man has been consistently calling for a non-violent vision of Islam for the past 40 years. By brother Bashar, who, unlike…

  • Yarmouk University student clashes, as captured on a mobile

    Camera-phone footage is emerging from the recent clashes that occurred in Yarmouk University. Al Ghad daily is reporting today that a ‘tribal reconciliation’ has been achieved which has reduced the tention in the university. Four people were injured in the fight, which started with a fight between two students, according to University officials (other reports…

  • Games and content for Arabia’s internet?

    I still have one major blog post/article about the recent Jordan ICT Forum 2006 in me. But that will have to wait for another 48 hours. For now I would like to point you Lina Ejeilat’s post about the discussion on the 2nd day of the forum around Arabic content (or rather the lack thereof)…

  • Conference organizers: have mercy!

    At the end of the last day of the Jordan ICT Forum 2006, there was a gala dinner, sponsored by the brand-new Optimiza company, preceded by a cocktail reception. So here is how the evening unfolded.. Everyone was at the King Hussein Convention Center, but we had to be bussed to the Marriott because the…

  • Jordan Telecom: “show us there is demand for 4 or 6 Mbit DSL access and we’ll happily offer it”

    The telecom session of the first day of the ICT forum, was quite lively. All the players, with the notable exception of Xpress (which was nowhere to be scene at this Forum) were sitting there, debating everything for license fees, the new Jordanian WiMax license which is being tendered, the amazing growth of mobile penetration.…

  • Beyond “Reach”: The new targets for Jordan’s IT industry

    Just another highlight from the first day of the Jordan ICT Forum: the new targets that Intaj has set for the ICT industry, to be reached by 2011. This comes after the REACH initiative has run its course, with some of its aims achieved, while other still remain open. By 2011, Jordan ICT industry is…

  • eGovernment shoot-out: Dubai vs. Egypt vs. Jordan

    I chose to attend the eGovernment session at the Jordan ICT forum today. And I just want EXPLODE! The whole subject is dry, let’s admit. But it was a chance to see three presentations about eGov on the Arab world: The heads of eGov in the Dubai Municipality, the Egyptian government and the Jordanian government…

  • No Wifi at the main plenary hall at the ICT Forum

    Very frustrating. There is (almost) no usable Wifi access at the ICT forum’s plenary hall. Damn! This is the IIII CCCCC TTTT Forum. And can someone tell the ushers to close the doors of the hall when there is a session in progress. The MC is having to keep telling “shut the door”. Read these…

  • What is Otto Schilly doing at the Jordan ICT Forum?

    Former German Interior minister Otto Schilly was seen in the ICT Forum today. Hmmm Read these related posts on 360east: Blogging from the ICT Forum Direct electronic democracy and wireless freedom at the Jordan ICT Forum 2004! No Wifi at the main plenary hall at the ICT Forum Amman Centennial Forum: Youth and Mayor Omar…

  • The egg is: Optimiza

    Just announced.. Updates later.. Read these related posts on 360east: Conference organizers: have mercy!