They finally did it! :)

The crazy gang talk a bit of nonsense and introduce themselves. And there you have it. The universe’s first Arabic podcast! Listen at your own risk! :) ..




4 responses to “A world first.. Podcasting in Arabic!”

  1. Sam Abuelsamid Avatar
    Sam Abuelsamid

    Is the correct feed for your podcast? I put that into itunes and it didn’t find any audio files. I took a look at your feed and didn’t see any mp3 enclosures. I the the problem just that you don’t have enough items in your feed and it scrolled off? Maybe you should create a separate rss feed for the podcasts only, so that new subscribers can at least find a few of the old files without searching throught the blog archive and manually downloading.

  2. Paul Brookfield Avatar
    Paul Brookfield

    I am also having problems accessing your podcast with Ipodder. Usually any podcast addresses end in XML. Also, is this an english speaking broadcast? I am a westerner, interested in Arabic views but am having trouble finding a relevant podcast. Many Thanks.

  3. yasmin Avatar

    The link does not work

  4. Beshr Avatar

    Yep, it doesn’t work!