Received this from a friend:

Anti-Palestine pressure to remove film ‘Paradise Now’ from Oscar bid AND to remove reference to the film being from ‘Palestine’!

Please read articles below and sign the COUNTER petition to support the nomination and to name Palestine as the country!

More than 11,000 people have signed a petition for pressure to not only change the description of the country, but to withdraw the nomination all together.







One response to “Pro Palestine ‘Paradise Now’ Petition”

  1. bakka Avatar

    Well, i’m not much of a political enthusiast and i wonder, why do we have to politisize everything? i don’t think the Academy with withdraw the movie’s nomination after it’s been announced, plus didn’t the movie already win a Golden Globe unde the name Palestine and not Palestinian Authority? so its already out there, i don’t see what the big deal is. I think the academy commitee are mature enough to recognize right from wrong and they won’t interfer with the Movie’s name or catagory since like i said it’s already won an award before, and i doubt they want to create any controversy.