Talasim on toot

At tha tooot kambany, we ekstrme haby about tha greet wipsite talasim to join our famillee. Tha talasim wepsite is a great one. They all dayz have funny petshars make laugh of arabic advertize, bil bored, and saign put by ordinnery beebolz to sale staff or annousmint, esbeshal in inglish languej.

We at THE TOOT KAMBANY, horrored and delited that such steemed intarnet plog is hear with us.

Pest Regard

The Gineral Mangar

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4 responses to “Tha Rabbet gose tooot”

  1. Hal Avatar

    Hehehehe! This post is a work of art! How LONG did that take?? Classic!

  2. Khalidah Avatar


    This post is definitely Talasim material

    Are they going to start featuring posts like that?

  3. nasimjo Avatar

    w hala 3ammeee!

  4. Talasim Team Avatar
    Talasim Team

    If a days playing with the Rabbit caused your writing to deteriorate this tragically, allah youstor bokra shoo bido iseer!