“As Seen on TV” :-)

I made an appearance (with my orange pullover) on Al Jazeera this morning to talk about The BOBS and why blogging is important.




5 responses to “Talking about The BOB and blogging: my interview on Al Jazeera”

  1. Bilal - Black Jack Avatar
    Bilal – Black Jack

    Good Job!

  2. Osama Avatar

    Wunderbärchen :P

  3. hatem abunimeh Avatar
    hatem abunimeh

    In my opinion—You made two excellent points:

    1) Branding plays a very important role in shaping up the future outcome of blogging—-in other words—You can never underestimate branding.

    2) Since select few percentage of Arab people are using the internet, it is difficult to gauge the effectivness of blogging unless the internet usage widely proliferates.

  4. mohamed Avatar

    Hmmm…orange? It looked red when I watched it in the office… Cool non the less ;)

  5. mohammad Avatar

    awesome! i just disagree with you regarding DW’s “democracy”, and you know the reason! other than that, i want your autograph please :)