Category: Branding

  • Boring event, pretty good phone: the G1 Google phone is here

    “i would like to congratulate”.. “on behalf of”.. “i would to thank”.. “moving forward”.. “driving innovation”.. “a momentous day”.. “maximize”.. What a boring launch event for the “Google Phone” aka T-Mobile G1. Why is it that most corporate leaders always insist in communicating in a manner that doesn’t communicate. You don’t have to have Steve’s…

  • Watwet: new look, stronger taste

    Watwet fans had a big watweting party today, with the launch of the site’s new look and features. The new look is a complete departure from what the site was launched with late last year. For me, one of the most important features of Watwet is the badge that can be added to you blog…

  • Random observation of the day: Amstel Zero is horrible

    I found Amstel Zero bottles in the fridge of a local supermarket tonight. It’s the first time I see this product. I am a big fan of non-alcoholic malt beverages so I wanted to try it out. Very, VERY disappointing. It tastes flat. Too sweet. It smells as if they added rose water to it!…

  • Typography is architecture

    Picture from Larger billboards on the sides of Amman’s buildings are occasionally becoming displays for dramatic typographic interventions. Here, type becomes the defining feature of facade. Letterforms are on full display. It’s the triumph of type! It’s cool to some good fonts on Amman’s walls. It’s also good for Amman’s advertising creators and buyers…

  • How “Necessary” is it for an “online” shopping business to have a website?

    Tucked away in one of the harder to notice alleys of Zara Center in Amman, I found the poster above and the shop it advertised: Unnecessary Necessity (say that 10 times quickly and win a 360east car sticker).. The poster caught my eye. I mean who wouldn’t wish King Kong is unleashed onto the top…

  • Amman’s first Arabic typo facade

    Deconstructivist architecture meets modern Arabic typography in this facade of a new restaurant that will open on Amman’s Mecca street! This building has caught my attention for the first time some months ago, as I saw its “haphazardly” placed metal columns being erected. But it was a real surprise around a week ago to see…

  • iPhone 3G: the good, the bad and the stoooopid!

    First of all, let me share with you how I followed the keynote speech at Apple WWDC 2008: 1. I watched part of this live web video show, hosted by these three geeks.. 2. I listened to the whole presentation LIVE in audio via the USTREAM.TV stream provided by the the amazing people over at…

  • Macheads: the new documentary for Apple fanatics

    Can’t wait to watch this crazy movie. I have a bit of a reputation of being a Machead myself. Between working and non-working Macs we have seven of them at home. My mother is a Mac user. And I never recommend anything else to friends and family. I am not extremist though. I don’t have…

  • Amman’s old downtown signs are gone! (but I managed to photograph a few)

    Yesterday, Saturday, I decided to finally start my ‘project’ of documenting the old shop and office signs of downtown Amman. I parked my car at the top end of a staircase leading down from Jabal Amman to Basman street. I started taking some pictures, then my camera’s battery died. I bought a pack of batteries…

  • New Rainbow Street and the dangers of the creeping “village style” !

    The new lights of Rainbow Street are on! I just came back from a quick 30 minute visit to the street. I wanted to check out the street’s new developments and also document a creeping danger that is threatening the street’s urban identity. I will not elaborate on the interventions that were made as part…

  • Extensya launches, with full branding and design solution from SYNTAX

    Extensya Chairman, Mohamad Saqir announces the start of the company’s operations earlier this April. Extensya, one of the most ambitious contact management outsourcing ventures in the region has recently been launched with a brand and design solution by SYNTAX. Extensya will operate a network of contact management centers in Jordan and the region, serving regional…

  • Virgle: Virgin and Google plan human settlement on Mars

    Imagine what Richard Branson and the Google guys could do if they join forces! Read these related posts on 360east: Something is WRONG with Google! Is anyone else in Jordan experiencing slowness in accessing Google? Amman, the city with a Plan Google Trends: Amman, Dubai, Kuwait The new Google Analytics interface crashes Flash!