Month: November 2006

  • Children museum: A project that will change the face of Jordanian architecture

    The Jordan Children Museum, is nearing completion in Al Hussein parks. This is by far the largest realized project for the Jordanian architectural firm Faris and Faris, who are collaborating with another Jordanian firm, Tahhan and Bushnaq on the interior work. [see more photos here] This project is an amazingly promising piece of architecture (I…

  • Tha Rabbet gose tooot

    At tha tooot kambany, we ekstrme haby about tha greet wipsite talasim to join our famillee. Tha talasim wepsite is a great one. They all dayz have funny petshars make laugh of arabic advertize, bil bored, and saign put by ordinnery beebolz to sale staff or annousmint, esbeshal in inglish languej. We at THE TOOT…

  • Ending my self-imposed blogging hiatus

    Once Ramadan was over, I decided that it’s time for my own “blogging Ramadan” which meant abstaining from writing for a while. So the long Eid holiday was not only free of work but also free from blogging. I hope that those of you who celebrated Eid, had a good one. I think I have…