Amman Villa Architecture
Amman Villa Architecture
The contrast cannot be greater. Two villas on the western edge of Amman. Two totally different styles of architecture.

I say “styles” because both are rather large houses and share the same rural-urban setting that is typically Amman, where, since the 1970’s the western part of the city has been exploding further westwards, engulfing villages and rural areas.

But the styles are very different indeed.

One is in what I would call the post-millennium new Ammani modern. It totally eschews stone. Its combines fair-face and plastered concrete walls, painted in earth tone colors. It has a dynamic, linear horizontal orientation in its massing and openings. It echoes the current global styles of architecture and is totally asymmetric in form.

The other one continues the Ammani tradition of distorted classical pastiche. Stone is employed heavily. Corniches. Columns. Grandiose entrance in the middle of a symmetrical facade. Bulky.

I could not resist to take the photos of this odd architectural couple :-)







One response to “Two faces of Ammani villa architecture”

  1. Ali Avatar

    Don’t you think the architecture of building Villas in Amman should be controlled. Meaning, not any engineer can build an ugly structure that will distroy the harmony and design of a certain neighborhood? In the states, the local counyt will not give permit to building hosues that are out of contrast and harmony