While a lot of people cringe at the idea of flavored mineral water, I am definitely a member of such products’ target market
Yes, a glass of pure water is sometimes the best thing for thirst, but I just find drinking a lot of ‘plain’ water hard and/or boring. That’s why I was looking forward to trying out the heavily advertised H2Oh! product recently released in the Jordanian market. But I was disappointed.
First of all this is a carbonated product. It contains an artificial sweetener and it is co-branded by 7Up. So this product is not, in my book, lightly flavored water, but actually almost a normal soda. If I want a Diet 7Up I’ll just get Diet 7Up. What is the point of H2Oh!??
Last week, I travelled to Abu Dhabi. In the grocery beside my hotel I found a product by Masafi, the extremely successful UAE mineral water and juice company, called A Touch of Lemon.
Now that was interesting.. Very light lemon flavor (natural says the package), a little bit of sugar, and no carbonation. Masafi has a wide range of flavors too, including jasmine.
The verdict: Masafi 1: H2Oh 0.
9 responses to “Flavored water: H2Oh! vs Masafi”
so I’ve read 2/3rds the post to realize the word in the title “Masafi” not Mansaf ! damn i miss home so bad my brain is playin tricks on me
Yeah, I didn’t try H2oh yet, everyone did though, but I still think that this is carbonated beverage, and I don’t drink such things, too much industrialzed
yes, i agree with you. for the fact carbonated water is not healthy at all, why should we drink that instead of plain water.
Totally agree, never tried Masafi, but H2Oh sux, big time.
h20 is actually not that bad…
Actually, you’re right. Masafi does taste much more “real”, if Clearly Canadian is anything to compare by. Why does no one import Clearly Canadian here?
I guess H2Oh! is targeted towards people who live in worlds like mine- where everything artificial always wins
Btw, the lime H2Oh! is disgusting, but the tangerine one isn’t bad at all.
I just fail to understand why water, the natural clean solvent that support life is subjected to this manipulaion of adding flavour and carbon. For me Ghadeer is the only water I enjoy and trust.
The radio ads for H2-Oh PLEASE SHUT UP are driving me nuts…water is breaking out all over the city blah blah blah…who came up with that rubbish
? Every time i hear it I want to rip my radio out of the car and smash it!
The world’s gone nuts trying to convince us to buy crap that we really don’t need…H2OH-Shut Up has been added to my list of unnecessary products that we would be stupid to buy. Its a long list…if only the world’s corporations would focus their energies on creating products that would actually be beneficial to people and would help to make people’s lives a little better…do we really need flavoured water? Isn’t water just fine the way it is? And god knows what lovely cancer inducing chemicals they have added to it in order to make it taste like “Flavoured water”
Yeah, that post was a bit aggressive…but those ads have really played on my nerves.