No, this is not a post pondering the changing face of Jordan Planet :) (that post is still forming in my mind and might see the light of day in the coming weeks/months).

It’s just a friendly note (yo Isam!)

Jordan Planet

If you notice the date: it’s December 31 1969 today.. (screenshot from Camino browser on a Mac)
Jordan Planet

Has anything changed with the encoding, or is it just Safari on my Mac. I never had problems with Safari and JP before (and Isam is a Mac user ;) So.. can anyone tell me if this is the case on other Macs..

Last but not not least: there is a spelling mistake here:
Jordan Planet

Writing is spelled with a double t.

Greetings to all the Planeteers..

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One response to “What’s wrong with Jordan Planet?”

  1. Moey Avatar

    strange thing yeah?