Try to imagine this: around 50 graphic designers, laptops, cameras, a mixing board and a fast internet connection all crammed up into a small room at the 35th floor of a Berlin hotel. This was the scene Wednesday night as the SYNTAX crew gate-crashed the temporary headquarters of Type Radio.
Type Radio is, usually, a podcast about, you guessed it, type design. But as we walked into the room on Wednesday, these guys were already into their 15th hour of their 16th hour internet broadcast! And we found ourselves the “surprise guests” of the last hour.
Quite unprepared for the Jordanian invasion of the studio, the hosts of the show were still able to come up with some good questions about design in our part of the world. Issue covered: iranian design, women in design in the Middle East, street signs and other stuff. I will post a link to the talk if it ever gets published as a podcast.
If you don’t know type radio check it out now. The have tons of great interviews with graphic designers and type designers. Worth subscribing to.
The tired hosts
The crew
The logo
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2 responses to “Gatecrashing TypeRadio”
hi 360 east
i stumbled (again) on your message about your visit to our temporary studio in Berlin at Typo alst year. About the interview we conducted with you i can say this: we are currently editing the files of the Berlin broadcast. And yours is one of those.
We fully realise it is already a long time ago, but we are operating Typeradio next to our own design practices. And it is a lot of work, i can tell you.
But except the interviews to go online within the next few months. So you will have to wait still a little while longer. Sorry.
All the best from the Typeradio crew.