In the past 48 hours I noticed that Akismet is letting through loads of blog spam. I am told this is happening after their latest update. The spam messages getting through are totally stupid and should ring the alarm bells of any anti spam system.

If you’re using WordPress 2 and have Akisment activated, it would be great if you could report on your experience with blog spam in the past few days..

Read these related posts on 360east:




5 responses to “Is Akismet working properly?”

  1. Rami Avatar

    I am facing the same thing. I am recieving spam comments the whole day; comments that Akismet can easily filter. I think there is a problem with Akismet web services.

  2. jameed Avatar

    I second that. i had to install math verification for comments. akismet has been letting more trackback spam than comment spam on my end though.

  3. bakkouz Avatar

    I have Akismet 1.15 on WP 2.0.4 and its working perfectly.

  4. Ahmed Avatar

    It was down for some time, and not it’s up again, I guess.

  5. Moey Avatar

    yeah its working fine for me too