I am “posing” as a journalist this year at the ICT Forum, complete with Jordan Times badge :) . I am sitting on a staircase in the lobby of King Hussein Conference Center at the Dead Sea. The forum has not started yet, and we’re waiting to be let into the plenary hall.

Lots of corporate sponsorship this year. The main sponsor is an egg with a question mark on it, with the slogan, Think Big. Hint: it’s a major Jordanian/regional IT services brand to be announced at the forum.

Yesterday and today there was a pretty big mess regarding badges, and lot of people have complained about that.

We’re being called into the hall now. So.. till later..

think big egg

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2 responses to “Blogging from the ICT Forum”

  1. Wael Avatar

    waiting to read your fedback

  2. nasimjo Avatar

    our CEO , Michelle is a keynote speaker :)