The latest little innovation from Ikbis is what we’re calling TrueFullScreen (TFS). Just make sure you have the latest version of Flash installed, find a video you like and click the Fullscreen button on the ikbis player. Then be amazed!

In fact you can test Ikbis TFS right now with two of my favorite videos.,

Read these related posts on 360east:



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9 responses to “Watch Ikbis in True Full Screen and kiss your TV goodbye”

  1. bakkouz Avatar

    Ok the full screen mode is great, however, Here are some comments /bugs about the player that i hope will be taken into consideration:

    – how about when you hover over the button you get a label that tells you what each button does instead of having to actually press each button to know what it does? or get the buttons to animate like youtube’s player?
    – I’ve also mentioned this in Wael’s blog, when you pause the video it does not show you how much is loading in the process indicator, and for people who don’t have fast internet connections this is a problem since they mostly have to pause the video and let it fully load and then watch it, however there is no way of knowing how much of it has loaded since there is no distinctive color showing that.
    – The Volume button, there are two issues with it, first of all one should be able to control the volume up and down instead of just having it as an On/Off button.
    – The other problem with the volume button is that i’ve noticed if you write something in the comment form, then click it on and off a couple of times then click inside the comment form again to continue writing, the keybord guts locked and i cannot type anything, this seems to happen only in FireFox.


  2. HYH Avatar

    Good! :)

    But I don’t think kiss-your-TV-goodbye statement is right, at least not yet! Simply because the videos hosted on sites like YouTube, Google, Ikbis…etc. are of low quality; don’t you agree Ahmad?


  3. HYH Avatar

    Just a note: I meant low quality technical-wise not content-wise…

  4. yel3an 3omri Avatar
    yel3an 3omri

    wow!! i am so amazed… is this for real!

  5. ياسمين حميد Avatar
    ياسمين حميد

    How come ikbis videos are loaded more quickly than youTube?

    Good job, and amazing picture. (although I got stuck in the full screen… pushing escape didn’t do anything, i had to ctrl-alt-delete my way out of it)

  6. Humeid Avatar

    Bakkouz.. thanks for the notes man. Yes we still have some problems with the player. We’ll take care of it soon..

    HYH: Thanks for the comment. I guess I was exagarrating a bit :) But you can see were things are going. Just imagine a little more bandwidth. Internet video is becoming more TV like very quickly.

    Also look beyond the quality. A friend of mine has recently told me that he does not watch his TV set anymore. He is a very busy man, so he just does a few YouTube searches and watches TV clips that interest him.

    Stay tuned for more innovative video ideas on ikbis soon..

  7. Humeid Avatar


    Good to hear that ikbis is faster than youtube.. cool! We use a secret sauce to achieve this :)

    Can you tell me what computer/browser you used when you got stuck in full screen?

    Are you sure you have the latest flash plugin installed..

    let us know..


  8. mohammad Avatar

    Ya3teekom el 3afyeh Ahmad, great Job,
    besides Bakkouz value comments, i add 2 more:

    – design wise, the play button is obviously very stretched now ( maybe because i got used to the previous one & the big yellow button concept)
    – an option to change the video’s cover image would be great.

  9. ياسمين حميد Avatar
    ياسمين حميد

    I used a Fujitsu-Siemens notebook, AMD Turion X2 TL-52
    and an Opera browser. And yes, I have the latest flash plugin (9.0) installed, just a couple of days ago.