Xpress infinity lips
Arab German Insurance Infinity

As Buzz Lightyear would say: “to infinity and beyond!”..

Couldn’t resist snapping shots of these two ads as I was reading the papers this morning. The first ad is for the Jordanian mobile company Xpress, promoting the fact they they have, apparently, switched to flat rate billing. The other one is for the Arab German Insurance company promoting ten years of service and the features of their car insurance services.

It was funny to see these two ads featured back to back in a paper a few days ago. Coincidence? Or is infinity in fashion?

The Xpress ad is quite daring in its simplicity and depiction of a ‘deformed’ human face. I wonder how many consumers will ‘get’ the infinity concept. But I guess for the simpletons among us :) the ad will mean: talk until your lips get tangled up. It good to see Jordanian advertising move beyond literally depicting features and stating the obvious.

No comment on the AGI ad (although I am medically insured with them).

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2 responses to “Ads: infinity is in fashion”

  1. dadan Avatar

    i dont like express ad, dono why .. seems little bit strange

    i love this one
    http://adsoftheworld.com/media/print/bic_infinity?size=_original :

  2. tripthelight Avatar

    I think the Xpress ad is pretty cool to be honest !
    It is a bit disturbing yes. But I’m glad that we’re having different images and ideas ….let the people of Jordan scratch their heads for a bit…train themselves to think about things rather than be spoon fed !